Hey there! If you've ever danced with databases, you're no stranger to the SELECT command in SQL. It's like the DJ at a data party, spinning records and giving you the tunes you need. But did you know there are more ways to groove with SELECT than you might think? Let's dive into the top 10 ways to make SELECT your SQL superstar.
Blog to learn about SQL, database, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL concepts and much more.
Friday, January 24, 2025
How to store and Query Hierarchical Data in Database using SQL? Example Tutorial
What methods do you use to detect hierarchical data and query it? We're about to get answers to two popular SQL queries. When working with SQL and relational databases, querying hierarchical data is a typical occurrence. It's not that hierarchical data is mysterious or uncommon; on the contrary, it's all around us. So, why is hierarchical data so difficult to work within relational databases? The issues arise mostly when converting hierarchical data to relational database concepts.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Top 30 Database Interview Questions and Answers
Hello guys, if you are preparing for programming or technical interview then you must prepare for Database and SQL, these two are the most important skill for any programming or software development job be it a Java developer, C++ developer or a web developer. Earlier, I have shared 15 SQL Query Interview Questions and in this article, I am going to share 30 common database interview questions. I am not sharing the answer though as I expect you to already know the answers of these basic Database questions but if you struggle with any questions, ping me on comments section and I might just add the answers as well, depending upon what you guys like.
How to create and Rollback Transaction in SQL query? Example Tutorial
A transaction in SQL Server is a consecutive gathering of explanations or queries to perform single or numerous undertakings in a data set. Every transaction might have single perused, compose, update, or delete tasks or a blend of this large number of tasks. Every transaction should happen two things in SQL Server:
- Either all alteration is effective when the transaction is committed.
- Or on the other hand, all alterations are scattered when the transaction is rollback.
Monday, January 20, 2025
Difference between DELETE vs DROP vs TRUNCATE in SQL
What the differences are between the commands Delete, Drop, and Truncate has to be one of the most popular queries during SQL interviews. We are here to answer any of your questions regarding this interview question. In this article, we will go over this concept and learn the difference between them in a very practical manner. So, what's the wait? let's start!
How to find top 10 records from a table in Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server? Examples
Monday, January 13, 2025
How to convert String to Date in SQL Server and T-SQL? Example tutorial
While working with crude information, you may oftentimes confront date values put away as text. Changing these qualities over completely to a date information type is vital since dates might be more significant during examination. In SQL Server, switching a string over completely to date can be accomplished in various methodologies. In this article, we will cover various techniques to convert String to Date in all databases.
10 Example of ALTER Clause in SQL
ALTER clause is one of the DDL commands which allows you to change object structure in database like table, stored procedure, trigger, or any other object in the database. By using ALTER command you can add or remove columns in a table, you can add and remove index from a table as well as you can update a stored procedure. ALTER command is an essential SQL commands for programmers similar to SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE. If you know how to create a table or index then you should also know how to modify a table or index using ALTER command.